Sep 6, 2009

Woke up to a Bobble Head

Today I woke up to a little living Bobble Head.  She creeped up onto the bed and came next to me, and put her HUGE HEAD (compared to the body she's got after being sick the last year or so) right on the blanket near me....she's lost a lot of weight and looks just like the bobble heads in the back of certain cars.  So she comes up close and buries her head into the pink blanket and her little "beard" gets smooshed against it and looks like an old man!  she starts rolling in the blanket, and she is acting all jittery and there is that little big head.....poking up and asking me to go out...and she's back to her perky self. 


  1. Arrr, matey... ya thinks ya be gettin' up sometime soon ta takes me fer a walk?


  2. LOL she does look like a pirate. LOL! She's so cute though. And so skinny right now!
