May 22, 2010

Saying goodbye to Lost . . .

Well, it's here.  Friday, May 28, I will be saying goodbye to the Daedream Show for this year, and possibly the program itself, not sure, of course.....and tomorrow I say goodbye to Lost.

My friendship with Lost was not as long as most people's.  In fact, I just discovered Lost last year and watched it entirely on DVD except for Season 6.  Yep.  But...I feel like I've been watching since day one.  It's a show that has made a huge impact on the 21st Century television community and it will be remembered, I predict.

It's weird to think, no more episodes, no more twists, no more Sawyer....LOL.  But it's true.  And after Tuesday's weird and skimpy ep, not sure how this will all be tied up, but I'm sure some tears will be shed.

So I guess my theme for this week is saying goodbye - and sharing some tears.....either way you look at it, things do change - they may not completely end, but they do change in one way or another.

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