May 10, 2010

Perpetuating a Circle....

My goodness, this evening, I am totally reminded of how your actions can make things spiral and continue.  In a conversation with someone close to me, I realized two things, or not realized, but was reminded of:

I have a right to live without hatred and difficult situations coming into my life that are not my doing and I can stop them

People sometimes perpetuate the very things they do not like to deal with or the very things they hate.

Sigh.  That's a lesson for tomorrow.  I can think of ONE area where I can make this work for me, which is to try and NOT perpetuate the thing I dislike most about my day and to try something different as a way to make it work.

Oh and P.S.  The MUSIC on my page is enough to make you forget all of the negatives of the day.  I SOOOOooooo love this tune, it's magic to me.

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