May 29, 2010

Another show - and then some!

I have that overwhelming feeling tonight of elation and let down at the same time....another show has come and gone....this one bringing with it some endings and possible beginnings.....who knows truly where it will end up but...I can say this, I am amazed at the outcome.

First, we never seem to get the lights and sound right, at least not 100%....and we didn't this evening.  But the highlights have to do with things I really expected, but never dreamed they'd exceed expectation.

Lead singer pulls of an AMAZING rendition of "I'll Be There," this from a girl who's now a blossoming 13 year old who was once a little, shy second grader who could barely speak from timidness.  She just completely threw herself into this song, adding things wherever she could and embellishing her performance to the point of pure success.  Her animation while performing just shocked me and at the same time, enchanted the audience.  How time flies?  She was just teeny and quiet and not really able to express herself without a lot of coaxing.  And she just texted me to thank me for making it possible for her.  Sigh.  I guess those hours of dedication meant something after all.

Mentors completely run the show.  The teacher we enlisted help from never showed, and backstage, these 13 year olds ran the show - literally.  This included managing students who were all over the place, talking and at times arguing when they were supposed to be getting ready.  It also included moving sets, moving mics, setting up and breaking down a three-man band, coaxing the little kids we added to the program, helping the directors, running errands and just giving each other support.

Then, there's the little girl who I have to realize is NOT ONE anymore, she's now 13, and has been with us since she was about 4.  She had a fever the whole time, and still did the performance, without a hitch.  She was worried she messed up, but to me she was perfect, still with the same face that's grown over the years.  She's a lovely, beautiful soul with so much happiness and love inside her!!  Wow, I'll miss that face smiling for me every day.  It's been a LONG TIME.

Ok, lead actress - so unsure of herself but DOES A BEAUTIFUL JOB.  Has a fake butt that she shakes and does a great job with, stands up well against her counterpart's portrayal of an old man, as his loving wife....sorta.  They are at each other's throats all the time, but .... obviously love each other.  She does a fantastic job with her lines this year and carries off her song "You Are Not Alone" beautifully....and her inner spirit just shines.  So proud of her also, how she carries herself now as a young lady.

And take one of the new girls, who is was so afraid and emerges PERFECTLY this evening with her portrayal of the social activist....just knowing this young lady has been a complete pleasure and something I will of course cherish.....she's amazing with young children - I think I see a teacher in the making.  You can say similar things about one of my narrators - amazing, gifted, kind, sweet - the kind of student you always want to have in class and wish there were more of.  These two ladies are bound to make successes of themselves.

A newbie for us is the "Shakespearean actor type" kid who recites MJ's "Earth Song."  His accent adds to the drama of the piece, but outside his outstanding performance is the kindness and patience in working with the students, and his willingness to help, lend a hand, take charge when needed.   He is ready to go for next year already and has talked about that often in the last few days.  He's a GREAT person with an awesome perspective on life....another reason I am so fortunate to be doing this program.

And then, the lead actor, plays an OLD  MAN like no one else.  He CHANNELLED my grandfather, or at least someone's.  Perfect facial expressions, he ad libbed so much he took over the stage - and the audience was laughing their heads off....enjoying the ride.  When he starts to play "Henry" - he becomes another person....he just assumes another role.  Not only this but he directed students, made a film for the play, took photos, edited all of the tracks for the dances, designed costumes and helped manage the stage, while also dancing and reciting - and will be editing our show tapes into a movie for a fundraiser - what else is there, Mr. Boss #1????

And though it's no surprise, the lead dancer suddenly CHANNELS Michael Jackson right on stage.  Ok, ok, he was great in rehearsal too, but the things he suddenly came out with this evening - they were beyond what I've seen him do on any given day.  From moonwalking, to every Smooth Criminal Step (none missed or forgotten) to every hip pop, pulling his vest, tipping his hat and breathing angrily (a la Jackson) I literally SCREAMED and LAUGHED WITH JOY THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE THING.  Not only this performance, he lands a back tuck off another guy's hands with perfection and catches (well almost) his fedora.  Additional to all this, he never quits, works hours and hours and is responsible for at least 70% of the choreography in the entire show.  And we just met him this year.....ok, if you're reading this, Mr. Boss #2, you were BEAST.

I am fortunate to have these kids.  They have been my children and my friends also.  I hope that we will continue to work together for the upcoming years.....and I wish them all the best.

A special shout out to my co-director - who leaves this year for greener pastures.  I am SO NOT OK WITH IT, but at the same time, I have to be - she's got a life to lead and her life is taking her elsewhere.  I'll miss her VERY MUCH.  So, that means I am back in the market for assistant teachers and people to make this program work - if it is to continue.  Any volunteers?????

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