Apr 27, 2010

Well....I've tried and tried.....

I have music on my page, but it's got that UGLY LITTLE WHITE, BLACK and GRAY square thing....but won't work any other way.

If any of you smarties out there know how to get rid of the box....just holla! That's two hours of investigating this and getting nowhere. I thought html was foolproof? So frustrated....but at the same time, pleased that I realize from this that I have a very good gift - and that is the ability to teach someone else what I know, even if I don't know much. It can be frustrating at times but it's happy when you help someone else figure something out, or teach a child something new and...whammo! A reward....intrinsic of course, but still there.

This makes me think of how each person has a gift in life. Somewhere we have to find them. Thinking of a student I know with an extreme gift. In all my time working with kids in the arts, etc, I've had one other performer kind of CLOSE to this one's gift, but still not quite there.

So in this cheezy message, I guess we're lucky to be blessed to have these gifts and to share them with others if we have the patience and the wherewithal to do so. I feel blessed to have met so many people with so many talents and gifts to share.

Now to get the 8th graders to calm down and listen??? Not the easiest task. I remind myself, I am not there to be liked all the time, but to teach and have my students learn.

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