Mar 14, 2010

Shutter Island

I just finished reading this - of course, I cried....I usually do when something written works powerful magic over me....which this text did.  I am still reeling from it in my own way....what a piece of work.  I wish I had the "something" to create a book like this one.

I dreamt this evening about writing, that I was in my own class as a student, and that my teacher (alternate me??) said she would have me published by Spring.  HA!  (Lucy voice)  Imagine?

Reading awesome writing is inpsiring but also makes it seem so much more out of reach.  Wonder if I should move from poetry to fiction and see if I am any better there??


  1. Have you ever written any short stories before?

  2. Actually, the last time I did, I was 13. So, yes I have. I wrote a notebook full back then.


    Have you?
