Mar 14, 2010

Next book -

The next book I will be reading is one of these:

Duma Key (King)
Just After Sunset (King)
The Mist (King)
something else not listed.....

Not sure which way to turn for my next read...I normally choose horror/sci fi for escapism.  I also could read a historical piece?

Ah, gotta think on it.  After Shutter Island, not sure what would really be the best move; it will be hard to match that one.  Thinking about Mystic River....


  1. Heinlein! Asimov!

    Ever read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card?

    Ursula K Le Guin?

    Spider Robinson?
    I like the Callahan series.

    So many from which to choose.

  2. I can see you're full of ideas. I have the kindle for blackberry now, so I can take books with me everywhere I go, and I've vowed to do more reading, as I used to.

    Did you read Shutter Island? If not, you's very very strong.
